While in Quarantine I created 7 flower paintings for the Santa Fe Artist's Medical Fund's Flowers Project. Those works were shared with Santa Fe hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. One of my donated work was chosen to to be published as cards and posters which to continue to raise funds for the Artist's Medical fund.Below is the recent article in the Santa Fean Magazine.
The primary purpose of the Santa Fe Artists’ Medical Fund
is to provide financial help for the medical needs of Northern New Mexico
visual artists. If you are an artist who does not have health
insurance or has unmet medical expenses, or if you know of such
an artist, please visit www.santafeartistsmedicalfund.org for
details about qualifying and information on how to apply. Our
partners at the Santa Fe Community Foundation will consider
all applications. To raise funds, SFAMF is planning an online
auction in late spring. Please check their website for details.